Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Murakami and Harper, we could be friends. You, too! We could be friends : )

Abstruse analysis highly recommended. thank you.
You better eat your vegetables or else your
grandma's going to be upset. Uh-huh.
And happy Holidays to you, my good friend/random reader!
Someday, I'll make small hats for cats. Someday.

*** Just a quick update about my previous blog entry (refer to my drowsy-blogging entry):

* I still haven't bought the book I was talking about. I am too afraid of the events/realizations/bafflement that could follow. I'm not that concerned on how people might react if they see me carrying that book; the bemusement is really coming from a vague self-reaction. I wonder how I would react to what I will be reading? I wonder what realizations I'll have? I wonder if the confusion will fade or will it exacerbate? Oh.

* Thanks to ANIMAX, I was able to watch "Welcome to the NHK" again last night. This is my all-time favorite anime. And I don't make use of the phrase "all-time favorite" that often. I've only used this phrase for this anime and for "To Kill a Mockingbird" - yes, my all-time favorite book. And for "Pachebel's Canon" - my all-time favorite piece. Oh and my all-time favorite CMC person is ... I am kidding. No such person exist. I digress.

* I still haven't finished reading Kafka's THE METAMORPHOSIS. Good gravy, it's been so long. I have been distracted by another book (which won several awards) -- Nancy Garden's "Annie on my Mind" (1982). I never thought that I would read something like this. Never. But the story is very engaging, I shall continue reading it. I came across this title while I was reading a list of must-read books. I downloaded an e-book. I don't like e-books, but if I tell you that I am reading an e-book, it means that I'm vehemently interested in what I am reading (because I have fastidious eyes, yo). I've only read three other e-books before (this is my 4th) -- Nabokov's Lolita, Murakami's Sputnik Sweetheart, and Lisa Diamond's research on gender studies.

* As for the promised political discussion, I'll reserve this for the essay I'm working on : )

Hello, road. Where will you take me? Crapcheeseballs.
* Now that I am in a better mood/relatively alert state/I'm actually awake: I'll post some pictures that reflect my recently developed happiness hoho. I took these pictures yesterday.

We went on a family trip yesterday, as I have briefly  mentioned in my drowsy-blogging entry. It was one of those rare "family moments" as I like to call them. You see, my family is not really fond of going on trips, so whenever we go out as a family, there is much elation in my pocket. It feels quite strange to spend so much time with them. And I am also strangely happy, I am not used to this. Life seems strange to the strange.

Notions of development: An escape from the core
I WAS A SWEET TREAT. crapfailedwittyremark.
Hello, Pocky heaven. That sounded weird.
I want to make a documentary about fish. I'm serious.
There's something about this merry party of tomatoes which reminds me
about my own life.
This captures my current bafflements:
career plans, personal preferences, among others.
I'm one of those pebbles, trying to make something out of life.
On the road with mom, dad, and bro
My feet were feeling artsy that afternoon.

The story of 3 traffic cones: Glances, Lust, and Secrets.

There's really something about this picture (at least, for me). There's a story here, you can't deny the tension.

I took this picture on our way to that place we went to. Cheers to vagueness! : )

I shall write a short story inspired by this picture.

Breakfast at aisle 3! 

I want to have those windows.

The pink squad.
You make people fat and happy, cheers to you!

If you want to see the rest of my photographs, just visit me at http://pretsi.deviantart.com
Thank you. No, you can't consider this as spamming since this is my own blog. No, perhaps shameless plugging is a more apt label.

February 2011 is coming. The results are coming! I really hope that this one is for me. I can't wait.

Last 3 semesters in college, career plans remain uncertain. I do have plans, but too many swerves and queries are swarming around. Clarity and enlightenment, please visit me soon.

I've been having this urge to write a short story, but I can't seem to find my good writing mood (I have a big mood taxonomy). 

Cheers to a happy 2010 and a happier 2011! See you soon : )

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